
Listen up.

1974 - Ruth at KPFK, Pacifica’s public radio station in Los Angeles. Ruth is on the air, about to lead a discussion about one of the hottest topics in America at the time, concerning the terrorist group that infamously kidnapped Patty Hearst - The Symbionese Liberation Army.  Ruth was then called Ruth Hirschman.

Something that Ruth brilliantly understood was that the old public radio programming model was out of date and did not grow with younger audiences. She set out to change that. We’re going to hear more from that Evan George interview with Ruth about how she modernized public radio programming.*

Ruth explains to Evan George her philosophy about the whole point of public radio.*

Evan George for the Current newspaper interviews Ruth about Newstand, a 1/2 hour daily program on KCRW that aired at noon.  With her Bronx accent and the deep baritone of her co-  host, Mitchell Harding, they would read top stories verbatim, directly from the pages of the New York Times. Long before home delivery and digital podcasting, this tiny radio station on the campus of a junior high school in Santa Monica, brought the paper alive to a local audience.*

Hear in his own voice Frank Browning’s remembrance of Ruth Seymour.

* courtesy of Evan George